The “beginning” of the mission
2010 year
The beginning of the journey
This key moment in the company's history signifies the beginning of its journey to becoming a leader in water purification. The founder, Tuuganbek Mederbekov, put his energy and passion into building the company, dedicating his life to protecting the environment and providing clean water for all.
Expanding “opportunities”
2014 year
This stage symbolizes the company's expanding capabilities and its commitment to innovation. The construction of the production hall demonstrates the company's commitment to increasing production capacity and quality of equipment, which allows the company to respond effectively to the growing demand in the market.
“Evolution” of the brand
2024 year
Brand evolution
This stage marks a new era for the company, expressing its commitment to continuous growth and improvement. Rebranding and restructuring emphasize the company's adaptability and innovative spirit, while scaling indicates its readiness for further development and market expansion.
Биздин Миссиябыз
Ар бир үйгө таза суу, кайра ар бир үйдөн таза суу
Why us?
We believe that state-of-the-art solutions in wastewater treatment will lead us to accelerate our transition to a cleaner environment, with a focus on innovation, high performance and reliability.
Environmental friendliness
Minimize environmental impact by using environmentally friendly cleaning methods.

We implement advanced technologies for efficient and cost-effective wastewater treatment.

We guarantee stable operation of cleaning systems based on proven solutions and experience.

Impeccable service
We provide a high level of customer service and support at all stages of cooperation.
Компаниянын буюмдары
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Биздин проекттердин географиясы
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Лицензии и сертификаты

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